Grant reports for grants made during the 2023 Competitive Grant Program will be made using the online grant system used to submit ( An automatic reminder will be sent to the contact email in October. Reports are due Sunday, October 15, 2024. If you do not submit a report, you are not eligible to apply for the 2024 Competitive Grant Program.
Grantee Reporting

Kitsap Community Foundation's (KCF) standard grant reporting form is simple, to minimize the reporting burden on the grantee. Our hope is that grantees will use their results as much for their own benefit as for ours, to help guide their decision making and future use of resources in connection with their program.
We understand that not all grant-funded programs begin when expected. And we understand that unanticipated events may interfere with a grantee's progress. We know that sometimes projects fail. When a project does veer from its original timeline or goals, we are interested in how the grantee responded to setbacks and what was learned. Please do not delay submission of your report for fear of our reaction to a project being behind or having more modest results than anticipated. Also, please feel free to contact us with any questions. We can delay a reporting due date if the situation calls for it, or extend the project period.
The following are the prompts in the Grant Report:
Please provide a brief description of the project funded by the grant and the year the grant was made. If your grant was for operations funding, please briefly describe your organization’s mission and goals.
If this grant was for a program or project, please provide the total number of Clients Served by Program you were awarded the grant.
If this grant was for operating funds, how many clients were served in last 12 months or fiscal year?
Total Number of Kitsap County/North Mason County Clients Served by your organization in the last 12 months or fiscal year.
Please share a short video or an outstanding and inspiring story about your use of grant funds for a client or group of clients. This is your chance to brag about the success of your organization.
Project Outcome: Please provide a brief narrative about how and whether the grant helped you to achieve your program goals. If you received operational funds, please tell us how and whether the grant made a difference.