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  • Writer's pictureKitsap Community Foundation

KCF's first Community Conversations event - Estate Planning 101

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Community Conversations Estate Planning 101

Thursday, October 19, 10-11:30am Kitsap Universalist Unitarian Fellowship 4418 Perry Ave, Bremerton During this complimentary session, you will learn about:

  • Estate Planning and why it is important

  • Four key estate planning documents everyone should consider

  • Wills – maintain control of assets during your lifetime

  • Trusts – save on taxes while planning for the future

  • Donor-Advised Funds – make a donation, support your favorite charities, grow the funds

  • Life Insurance – protecting your beneficiaries and supporting your favorite charities tax-free

You are welcome (and encouraged) to bring guests and advisors.

Our Presenter: Chad Proctor, JD, LLM, CTFA Chad Proctor is a Senior Fiduciary Specialist for BNY Mellon Wealth Management. In this role, he works directly with clients to address their investment and wealth management needs. Chad has more than 17 years of experience in the financial services industry as a fiduciary specialist, trust advisor, and estate officer. Chad received a bachelor’s degree from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, JD from Saint Thomas University, and LLM in Tax from the University of Washington.


A Message from our CEO...

You told us what you needed, and we listened!

Recently, there’s been an increase in the number of nonprofits asking for support in promoting planned giving to their donors and volunteers. We’re working on a larger initiative that will provide robust support in the months to come…stay tuned for more info!

In the meantime, we’re delighted to offer an “Estate Planning 101: Your Life & Legacy”session scheduled for October 19, 2023, from 10-11:30am for you, your donors, and your volunteers.

During the complimentary session, attendees will be encouraged to include the nonprofits they *already* love and support in their estate plans – and will be presented with specific information about how to do so.

Rest assured, Kitsap Community Foundation will not use this opportunity to self-promote; rather, the focus of this session is to offer a safe, trusted space for your donors and volunteers to learn how to support you – the nonprofit they already love – with legacy gifts.

We encourage you to send a special invitation to your donors and volunteers and take advantage of this special outreach opportunity. Below is a promotion you can send electronically or place into newsletters, as appropriate.

Space is limited, so please encourage your constituents to RSVP early to secure their spots.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Kitsap Universalist Unitarian Fellowship for generously providing a venue for this session to benefit our local nonprofits, as well as our friends at BNY Mellon for partnering with us to present this vital information to your donors and volunteers!

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out for any reason.

Warmest regards,


CEO, Kitsap Community Foundation


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