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Writer's pictureKitsap Community Foundation

Why give?

hands lake reflections

When individuals and families support the charities they care about, all boats rise. Encouraging philanthropic behavior can be a tough nut to crack when people don’t fully grasp the positive impact of the social sector on the quality of life in our community – and the impact on their own lives. As giving season gets into full swing, consider layering in messages to your donors that cause them to reflect on how the nonprofit sector (whether your organization or another nonprofit) has made a difference for them personally.

For example, you could include an article containing the following (or similar) message points in your next newsletter: Many of you have your own stories about how philanthropy has touched your lives – on the receiving end.

  • Your child’s life was saved because of a cutting-edge rare disease treatment that would not have been invented but for academic research supported by charitable dollars.

  • You might not have recovered from a rough childhood without the help of a nonprofit social service agency that provided much-needed counseling.

  • Your graphic design business wouldn’t have done nearly as well if charitable dollars hadn’t supported the local arts district to incubate talent.

  • Your software start up would never have gotten off the ground if you hadn’t been part of a nonprofit mentorship program to teach you how to scale.

  • You wouldn’t have your dog if a nonprofit rescue shelter hadn’t saved him from being euthanized.

  • You would have lost valuable work days if a nonprofit hospice organization hadn’t been there to help take care of your dying parent.

Philanthropy matters. Every gift counts. We’re honored to be a part of your family’s holiday giving traditions. You’ll tailor the words to your own donor audience, but you get the idea. The point here is that you are making an emotional connection and inspiring your donors to reflect on the value charitable giving has brought to their own lives. That inspiration, in turn, can be channeled into support for your organization’s annual giving campaign or endowment fund at the Kitsap Community Foundation. Please reach out anytime you’d like to brainstorm messaging to donors during the holidays. We are happy to be a sounding board.


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